AHH Website just about finished

Having this website has been a long time in coming!  Please understand I am not quite finished.  I have watched way to many you tube videos, searched and called on friends to get the site this far.  Doing it myself, when my mind does not work this way, is quite difficult. At least, though, what is left to do is loading up products – taking and editing pictures, writing about each product, pricing etc.  All things that I know how to do, for the most part; just a bit time consuming.  So I am asking for your patience as I go through the final process.  After that, come visit and visit often.  I am going to try and write at least once a week about what I am working on in my studio or whatever I might deem worthy of you knowing about.  I am a teacher at heart and love to share knowledge and ideas. Even in my “golden years” I continue to love learning myself!  Finally, please ask me questions, so I am able to write what you want to know that I know! Enjoy your week and live in the moment.

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